Change Management

Help with the People Side of Projects

Whether it’s a merger, adoption of new technology, or modified processes, when there is organizational change, there’s more to manage than logistics of the project. Inclusity change management consultants help people prepare for and handle project-related changes. Our goal is to actively engage individuals in making sure the change (and project) is a success.

Change management offers a framework to support both individuals and organizations through changes. We tailor our change management services for a client’s specific needs, using methodology and tools from Prosci as well as Inclusity’s Eight-Step Culture Change Model.

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How Our Change Managers Can Help

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Preparing for Change

To develop an appropriate, customized approach, change managers assess the organization’s resources, risks, resistance and other aspects related to the change.

Managing Change

In the planning and implementation stage, change managers create plans for communication, managing resistance, training and coaching. Then they help carry out the plans.

Reinforcing Change

To sustain a change effort after implementation, change managers can assess effectiveness, gather feedback, continue to manage any resistance, and, importantly, celebrate successes.