What Organizational Leadership Should Focus on in 2025

As we charge into 2025, one thing is clear: it's time for leaders to shift their perspectives. Gallup's recent studies show that respect in the workplace is at an all-time low, and employee engagement has hit a 10-year low. These aren't just numbers; they represent a...
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin (1900-1979)

Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin (1900-1979)

When Sir Isaac Newton famously conceded, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”, he was appealing to an image of progress that had been shared by many other scientists before him, dating back to the twelfth century. Even today it’s quite...

George Boole (1815-1864)

George Boole (1815-1864)

As a branch of the liberal arts, logic often gets short shrift from the general public. Few university students take classes in logic unless they’re required to. Popular culture mostly ignores it, preferring to draw inspiration from broader fields like physics and...

Irma Rombauer (1877-1938)

Irma Rombauer (1877-1938)

If we were to compare our own lives with the lives of people who lived at the turn of the last century in the United States, the first things that would come to our attention would be the many differences that separate us from them. Our early 20th-century counterparts...

Max Factor (1877-1938)

Max Factor (1877-1938)

Among the many fictional characters who rub shoulders with real historical figures in the pages of E.L. Doctorow’s 1975 novel Ragtime, one who stands out as particularly heroic is Tateh, a Latvian Jew who immigrates to the United States in search of a better life for...

Jessie Redmon Fauset (1882-1961)

Jessie Redmon Fauset (1882-1961)

Talent is something that’s easy to recognize retrospectively. We look back and see the great things that certain people have accomplished, and we infer from this that they must have been quite talented. Many people’s careers, however, depend on their ability to do...

Simon Benson (1851-1942)

Simon Benson (1851-1942)

In this series we’ve looked at many entrepreneurs whose hard work resulted in small victories, which then built the groundwork for greater success in the future. However, as we recount these successes we should bear in mind that failure is also a major part of the...

Inclusity CEO Elected to Girl Scouts Board

Inclusity CEO Elected to Girl Scouts Board

Building relationships is at the core of Inclusity’s mission, and we try to live this mission not just at work but in our homes and communities as well. We are proud to announce that this month The Girl Scouts of Western Ohio elected Inclusity CEO, Maria White, to its...

Robert Sengstacke Abbott (1868-1940)

Robert Sengstacke Abbott (1868-1940)

When the historian Alexis de Tocqueville visited the young United States in the 1830s, one of the facets of American life that left the deepest impression on him was the variety and intensity of opinions held by citizens from every walk of life, expressed both in...